24 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 Directing Focus

When psychologist Peter Gollwitzer tried to determine how to enable people to set goals and engage in goal-directed behavior as effectively as possible, he found that several things helped improve focus and performance: (1) thinking ahead, or viewing the situation as just one moment on a larger, longer timeline and being able to identify it as just one point to get past in order to reach a better future point; (2) being specific and setting specific goals, or defining your end point as discre...
Folksonomies: mindfulness focus
Folksonomies: mindfulness focus
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Peter Gollwitzer's rules for maintaining focus.

24 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 Video Games Improve Attention

When we want to engage, believe me, we can. And not only will we then make fewer mistakes of perception, but we will become the types of focused, observant people that we may have thought we were incapable of becoming. Even children who have been diagnosed with ADHD can find themselves able to focus on certain things that grab them, that activate and engage their minds. Like video games. Time after time, video games have proven able to bring out the attentional resources in people that they n...
Folksonomies: attention video games
Folksonomies: attention video games
 2  2  notes

And that attentional improvement rolls over into other areas of life.